Best Supreme Court lawyers in Delhi
Advoknit has one of the finest team of lawyers and prominent senior lawyers at Supreme Court of India. The Advoknit lawyers in Supreme Court of India are trained under notable Senior lawyers in most areas of law. India has a unified judicial system culminating in the Supreme Court as the apex institution. The Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the constitution and acts and it acts as the guardian of people’s fundamental rights enshrined in part III of the constitution. The Supreme Court is also the final court of appeal in all civil and criminal matters and the final interpreter of the law of the land by reason of Article 141 of the constitution of India, in terms of which the law declared by it is binding on all judicial bodies and the executive. It plays the important role of interpreting and applying every law brought up before it, and adjudicating upon controversies between one citizen and another, between citizens and the state, and between one state and another. It is the function of the Supreme Court to maintain rule of law in the country and to assure that the governments function according to law.
Writ under Article 32 of The Constitution of India,
Contempt Petition under Article 129 of The Constitution of India,
Civil Transfer Petition under Section 25 of The Civil Procedure Code,1908.
Criminal Transfer Petition under Section 406 of The Criminal Procedure Code, 1974.
Transfer Petition under Article 139A of The Constitution of India.
Appeal involving constitutional questions under article 132 of The Constitution of India.
Civil Appeal under Article 133 of The Constitution of India.
Appeals by Special Leave under Article 136 of The Constitution of India,
Review Petition under Article 137 of The constitution of India,
Appeal under Section 38 of The Advocates Act,1961,
Appeals under Section 23 of The Consumer Protection Act,1986,
Appeal under Section 116A of The Representation of People Act,1951,
Appeal under Section 30 of The Armed Forces Tribunal Act,2007,
Appeal under Section 423 of The Companies Act,2013,
Appeal under Section 125 of The Electricity Act,2003,
Appeal under Section 22 of The National Green tribunal Act,2010,
Appeal under Section 18 of The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act,1997,
Appeal under Section 130E and 130F of The Customs Act,1962,
Advoknit law Firm specializes in representing clients at all stages before the Supreme Court of India. The firm has represented clients on a wide spectrum of issues, including S.L.P, Transfer petition, Writ petition Civil and Criminal, P.I.L, Contempt Petition, and other petitions before Supreme Court of India. Please contact Advoknit if you are looking for lawyer in Supreme Court of India.