Contact Divorce Lawyer in Delhi
Hire Divorce Lawyers in Delhi
Advoknit has an expert team of a Divorce lawyer in Delhi, NCR who advises and represent our clients on various aspects of rights and remedies under the Special Marriage Act, Succession Act, and laws of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Parsis in regard to divorce, alimony, maintenance, inheritance, custody, and guardianship of children. Advoknit helps the litigants to deal with the stressful environment of Courts. Maintains a smooth environment where its lawyer simplifies and help during the whole process thus by giving litigants astonishing experiences.
First information report under section 498A including various sections of Indian penal Code,1860 and guidance to appear before CAW cell.
Case under protection of women from Domestic Violence Act,2005
Application of anticipatory bail, interim bail and regular Bail.
Seek Maintenance under Section 125 CRPC.
F.I.R under Dowry Prohibition Act,1961.
F.I.R quashing before Hon'ble High Court.
Charge sheet quashing before Hon'ble High Court.
Petition under Section 9 of Hindu Marriage Act,2005.
Petition under Section 11 of Hindu marriage Act to declare marriage as Null and void on various grounds.
Petition under Section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act,2005 for contested divorce on grounds such as cruelty, adultery, desertion of more then two years, conversion to another religion, mental disorder.
Mutual consent petition for divorce under section 13B of Hindu Marriage Act,2005.
Application under Section 24 of Hindu Marriage Act,2005 seeking maintenance pendente lite and expenses of proceedings.
Application under Section 25 of Hindu Marriage Act,2005 seeking permanent maintenance and maintenance.
Application under Section 26 of Hindu Marriage Act,2005 seeking custody of Children.
Petition under Section 27 of Special Marriage Act,1954 for contested divorce on grounds such as cruelty, adultery, desertion of more then two years, conversion to another religion, mental disorder.
Mutual consent petition for divorce under section 28 of Special Marriage Act,1954.
Seeking custody and visitation rights under Guardianship and Ward Act ,1890.
Advoknit law Firm has one of the finest divorce lawyer in Delhi, NCR who represents its clients before the Supreme Court of India, All High Courts across India and all district Courts of Delhi, NCR.
Frequently Asked Questions
1.What is the mutual divorce process in Delhi ?
Answer:- The Divorce is the only option left to those parties where there is no chance of reconciliation and reunion. The various acts like The Hindu Marriage Act,1955, The Special Marriage act,1954, Indian Christian Marriage Act,1892, and Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act,1939 are the codified acts in respect to divorce laws. There are various family courts throughout Delhi according to the appropriate jurisdiction.
The mutual divorce is filed as first motion and second motion under section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act,1955 mutually by both parties before the family Court at appropriate jurisdiction with the ground that they have been living separately for a period of one year or more.
The cooling period after the first motion is minimum six months. The parties are required to wait for a period of mandatory six months before the second motion can be moved. The Court can waived off the cooling period of six months on the application by both parties with a condition that both parties are living separately more then 18 months and there is no possibility of cohabitation between both parties.
2. What are the grounds for contested divorce in Delhi ?
Answer:- The contested divorce is filed under section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1956 and Section 27 of the special Marriage Act, 1954. The contested divorce is a long process where in comparison to the Mutual consent Divorce. The below are the grounds for contested divorce
Cruelty (Mental)
Cruelty (Physical)
Renounced the world,
conversion to other religion
Desertion for more than two years,
Suffering from a venereal and incurable form of leprosy,
has not been heard of as being alive for a period of seven years or more.
3. What is the jurisdiction to file the divorce petition ?
Answer:- The petition of divorce can be filed or presented before family courts within the local limits of whose ordinary civil jurisdiction -
the marriage ceremony organized,
the respondent. at the time of filing the petition, resides, or,
both parties last resided together,
In case wife is petitioner, where is residing on the date of filing of the petition,
4. How much divorce cost in Delhi and India ?
Answer:- Throughout the Delhi and other parts of India, typical lawyer fees is different either its consultation charges or full case fees. The fees of every lawyer is different according to the facts of the case. There is no single case in matrimonial issues moreover there are individual cases like Criminal FIR, Maintenance under 125 CRPC and DV Act,2005, and Divorce under Hindu Marriage Act,1956. So fees would be different for each case according to the facts of the case. What you're charged will also depend on a number of factors including the seniority of your lawyer and the size of the firm
5. How much do Divorce lawyers usually cost in Delhi?
Answer:- The facts of each case are unique and different. Some cases need lots of case study whereas some cases are very simple. There is no way to measure the fees of divorce lawyers as every lawyer's skills are different and unique. Every divorce lawyer deals in the case in his own way. The charges are also depend upon your lawyer experience and seniority.
6.How can I file Divorce in Delhi?
Answer:- Divorce is of two kinds one is mutual and the other is contested. The mutual divorce is a file under section 13B(1) and (2) with first motion petition and second motion petition with six months of the waiting period in between. The six months can be waived of by the Judge if both parties are residing separately for the past 18 months. On the other hand contested divorce is filed under section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1956 on certain grounds like mental harassment, physical harassment, and adultery. The contested divorce is decided on merits and usually takes time according to merits of case.
7.What if I can't afford a lawyer for my divorce?
Answer:- The litigants can reach out to Free legal services aids provided in each state by Government to the litigants who can't afford the lawyers. The process to apply for free legal aid is different in each state.
8. How much a wife can claim in divorce in India?
Answer:- That is totally depend upon income of both spouses and court shall pass any order of maintenance or Alimony after going through income affidavit of both spouses. The Court shall also go through the bank statements, ITR Copies and liabilities of both parties.
9.How many years will divorce case take in India?
Answer:- The mutual consent divorce filed under section 13(b) of Hindu Marriage Act,1956 can be granted within 6 months and waiver to waive of six months period can be filed by both parties if there is separation of more than 18 months. On the other hand contested divorce in India is time consuming process as the court shall decide the case on merits which can take years.
10. How to file divorce online in Delhi ?
Answer:- There is no way to file divorce petition online as of now.
11.What is the fastest way to get divorce in delhi?
Answer:- The fastest way to get divorce in India is through mutual process. The mutual process is time consuming, cost effective and free from all harassments.
12. Who is the best divorce lawyer in Delhi?
Answer:- There is no rating or method to rate best divorce lawyer in Delhi.
13. Is one year separation mandatory for mutual divorce ?
Answer:- According to sub-section (1) of section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act,1956 is an enabling section for presenting a mutual divorce petition for dissolving of marriage. One of the grounds provided in the section mandates both parties to live separately for a period of one year or more and have not been able to live together.
14.Can divorce be filed immediately after marriage?
Answer:- According to Section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act,1955 no petition for Divorce can be filed within one year of Marriage.